Nathan & I in Petra |
I'm grateful for the incredible opportunity to return. It was like coming home from college during holiday day break. The excitement is like no other! Tiberas holds a very special place in my heart; I don't know what my future looks like, but someday I hope Tiberas is in it.
The hardest part now is catching back up with reality & life as I knew it before I left. School, midterms, short nights-long days, work.....the list could certainly be drawn out. I will resist though. If I didnt' catch anything this trip, it's that Jesus has taken every step I have, He's felt every emotion, every victory and ever sorrow.
"When my heart is overwhelmed,
lead me to the ROCK that is higher than I."
Ps. 6:1-2
Looking Out over the Sea of Galilee |
Well I hope if your future is in Tiberas, so is mine.. :) I love you sis and I totally think we need a sister catch-up day too!